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Immersion Experience
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Graduates Testimonials
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Help Center
Fees, Tuition & Scholarships
Program Details
Immersion Experience
Certification and Professional Opportunities
Graduates Testimonials
What makes Synthesis different from other psychedelic training programs?
Who is this training program designed for?
Do I need to be a credentialed therapist or life coach to apply for the training?
Do I need to have had a personal experience with psychedelics and/or a non-ordinary state of consciousness to participate in the training?
Do you make accommodations for persons who are differently-abled?
If I have questions about the training and whether or not it is a good fit for me, can I speak to someone who can help me assess this?
What kinds of people can I expect in my pod group? What if my pod group is not a good fit for me?
If I don't enroll in the program now, when will it be available again?
How many people do you expect to enroll in the program?
Is there an age minimum?